Brazil Norway Dialogues on Marine Biotechnology
Rio de Janeiro, 06-08 May 2019
1. To leverage scientific cooperation between Norwergian and Brazilian scientists.
2. To engage PhD, posdocs, ands scientists from different regions of Brazil in the study
of marine biodiversity through Norway-Brazil partnership.
3. To leverage innovation in marine biodiversity between Brazil and Norway.
4. To establish at least one new scientific/innovation program (i.e. a cluster) on marine
science and technology between Brazil and Norway.
Marine biodiversity is an untapped source for biodiscovery and bioeconomy in Brazil. The meeting is an open exchange of ideas to discuss the most needed research on marine sciences that will help to leverage scientific, technological and innovation development in the field of marine sciences and biotechnology.
Fabiano Thompson - UFRJ
Cristiane Thompson – UFRJ
Edson Watanabe - COPPE
Ana Carolina Vicente – FIOCRUZ
Carlos Rezende - UENF
Ricardo Kruger – UNB
Paulo Cesar Abreu – FURG
Nils Asp – UFPA
Eduardo Siegle - USP
Andrei Polejack - MCTIC
Vania Gomes da Silva - MCTIC
Rune Andersen - Consulado Noruega no Rio
when & where
06-08 May 2019
everyday 09am to 17pm
at COPPE UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro - CT2 Conference Room.
Discovery of novel marine biodiversity; novel marine systems; marine biodiversity in aquaculture setting; marine biodiversity as source for new foods; diagnostics and marine diseases; marine biodiversity for drug discovery; sensors of global changes; polar biodiversity; marine parasitology; marine biodiversity and the IODP.